General Spoilers
A Colonel Haviland will be introduced in an upcoming episode, but unlike previously
reported he's a very minor character in just ONE episode. He does not take over the
Initiative and there are no extended plots connected to him.
Xander will finally get a storyline in the final episodes of this season. He will attempt
to do something heroic, but it backfires on him with dire consequences. This event will
force him to find direction in life and will heavily play into season five.
Look for Joyce and Giles to supposedly steam things up again.
Spike becomes ADAM's "unholy" disciple and spies on the Scooby Gang for him.
Olivia turns out to be a spy for the Watcher's council. She is a member of the black ops
Bailey Chase, who was on "Undressed", will be recurring on Buffy
as an investigator of the paranormal.
Someone does die this season,
but despite the rumors, it's not a member of the core Scooby Gang.
Tara does not die this
season, and instead is expected to return next season when her "secret" is
New Moon Rising
Airs May 2
Episode 19
Written by Marti Noxon; Formerly titled Where The Heart Is
This episode will answer all of the questions concerning the Willow/Tara relationship.
Oz (Seth Green) is in this episode, in which he must come to terms with Willow, her new
life, and the broken remains of their relationship. Oz also has a BIG announcement to make
to the Scooby Gang.
Oz leaves again at the end of this episode, but he WILL be back for the season finale
Oz and Tara have a rather interesting encounter with each other.
Oz is captured by The Iniative. Riley
tries to help but is threathened with court marshall if he interfers. However he soon
learns that the others are targets and must choose between Buffy and The Iniative. After
learning that his friend Grahm is now a Werewolf Riley sees HST as humans not animals
anymore and therefore decides to help Oz escape.
Willow and Tara finally kiss in this episode.
A new werewolf is made in this episode.
While trying to capture Oz, one of the Commandos is seriously injured. The Commando in
question is Grahm
Adam breaks into the Iniative compund and
frees the demons who have been hurt by the military group to build his army from.
Riley and Forrest have a huge
fight over how much Buffy has changed him.
Xander's near drowining becomes an issue
for him.
The Yoko Factor
Airs May 9th
Part 1 of 2
Written by Doug Petrie
Angel comes to town after Cordelia has a vision that someone in the Scooby Gang is in
grave danger
It had to happen sooner or later: Angel and Riley FINALLY meet in this episode, with some
interesting results.
Angel nearly gets Riley killed.A misunderstanding leads to a confrontation between the duo
that results in Riely getting his ass kicked and one majorly pissed of Slayer.
Buffy has a creepy phrophetic dream and sees the death of one of the Scooby Gang Her dream
is however vague and doesn't exaclty name who it is that dies but there are tons of hidden
It seems that Xander hasn't been all that honest with his friends about his
extracurricular acitvites. A decision he is going to come to regret.
Spike helps Adam kidnap Riley in exchange for his implant being removed.
The "Yoko" stands for 'Yoko Ono', the woman accused for breaking up legendary
music band, The Beatles, when she married John Lennon. The episode deals with the fact
that the Scooby Gang will be destroyed by outside forces. Throughout the season, there has
been a strain in the relationship between Scoobies. This episode marks the turning point
of that strain, and builds up to a very climatic moment in Episode 2l.
Riley's former commando buds make his life as diffucult as humanly possible to punish him
for saving Oz.
Spike causes trouble between Angel and Riley.
Angel makes an intresting observation about Buffy's attitude, not just towards him but to
others, epsecially Xander. Angel notices that there is something going on with Xander,
while the group, specifically Buffy just passes off his odd behavior as nothing
The sinister and powerful Adam (George
Hertzberg) decides to advance his plans for humanity's demise by enlisting Spike to turn
the gang against one another without their suspecting it. Spike's reward: removal of the
anti-violence chip in his head, which has prevented the vampire from attacking humans
EVIL FIELD DAY: Spike manages to set up
Angel AND Riley, making sure they hate each other right from the start. Spike plays up
Angel to Riley and tells him that Buffy had previous "relations" with the
undead. Spike also plays up Riley to Angel and gets him to think that Riley is this macho
commando man and somehow manages to make him think that Riley is ADAM. (XG Note: I know
many people might say that how could Angel think Riley was ADAM because of the brief
glance Angel saw of him in "Pangs". But think about it, Willow has always been
considerate of Angel's feelings, she's not going to come out and say "Oh that's
Riley, he's got a crush on Buffy". She probably said "Oh, that's our Psych
TA" or maybe she said "that's Riley", but I doubt Angel would really
remember him. I mean he doesn't know Buffy is going out with him and Cordy is the one
having the vision, so she's the only one of the Angel gang that knows what ADAM looks
like, so anythings possible.)
Airs in May
Part 2 of 2
Written by David Fury
Someone dies in this episode and the Scooby gang attends their funeral (questionable)
There is a war like battle to end all battles with ADAM ,who has raised a demon army to
destroy The Iniaitvie and anything else that stands in the way of purity.
The climatic battle with the Iniative and the Scooby Gang ensues leaving no on unscathed
There will be an massive expolsion in the final seconds of the episode in which the Lowell
House, aka Iniative Headuqaters is blown sky high.
From David Fury ~ "It's going to be a little bit like, I
don't think this will spoil too much, think of Aliens a little bit in terms of, you're
inside the Initiative when the lights are turned out, and there are emergency lights only,
and there's a hundred demons in there with a hundred soldiers, and you'll get kind of a
picture of what's going to happen."
Airs May 23 / Season Finale
Written and Directed by Joss Whedon
Joss branches out into the frontier with this ground-breaking episode in which he deals
with the emotional trauma surrounding the climatic events in 20 & 21.
This is a coda episode designed to deal with the seasons storylines.The Iniative will have
already been dealt with and no climatic battle shall occur.
This episode is a pivotal Xander episode. For those who have been grumbling at his
underusage should rest easy now. Xander was purposefully underuse to make way for this
emotionally gripping episode.We will get a rare glimpse into Xander's life outside of the
Scooby Gang. How hard it has been for him and how miserable he truly is. We will also get
a peak at his not-so-happy home. It will focus on his personal life. We and his friends
will see how miserable his life is. His parents are introduced in this episode and it's
not pretty. This year Xander has hit an all-time low. He has gone from an integral part of
the group to the laughing stock of it. His secret fear in "Fear, Itself" has
come true. Now, all will hit rock bottom.
The entire episode is based on people's dreams. It will give us insights into the
charachters personality and answer questions that we have always wondered about certain
aspects of their lives. In the episode Xander possibly dies. However it is only a
metaphorical representation on how he feels. Kinda like I might as well be dead, as
much as anyone cares type thing.
Buffy and Riley don't break up but decide they need some time apart and he heads off to
spend the summer with his family in Iowa.
A member of the Scooby Gang has s jaw-dropping announcemet to make.
DREAMS TURN TO NIGHTMARES IN SUNNYDALE: What began as a simple wish turns the Scoobies
worlds upsidedown as something has taken control of their dreams and sheds light on some
of their inner pains and problems. Through their dreams the Scooby Gang goes through
highly spirtual experiances, so to speak, that set up the arc for season 5. Willow has
dreams about Oz that involves a sorta closure for the two. Buffy gets a better
appreciation for her role as The Slayer after her dreams. As for Xander, his will be more
like nightmares. We will get a glimpse into his unhappy homelife that proves to be more of
a Hell that anything in Sunnydale could ever provide as well as an idea of how hard it
actually is to be him and how rough his life is. His "Death" comes as a
meataphorical representation of his emotions and how he beleives he is treated by others.
Look for hints towards the identity of the infamous Little Sister to be laden
throught the episode, although we most likey won't find out who she is until next season.
David Fury mentioend at a recent trip to The Bronze, The Official BTVS Posting Board that Little
Sister, which was mentioned in This Years Girl, which was mentioned as Little
Miss Muffett in Graduaiton Day Part 2, was not in reference to Buffy or Faith
but was an entirely different charachter.
We will meet Little Sister aka Little
Miss Muffet early on in Season Five. However, there will be a few hints about who she is
in "Restless". Supposedly, she is supposed to be very evil and the 7-3-0 riddle
from "Graduation Day Part 2" is a countdown to the season 5 finale in which
Buffy and this entity will battle. Her total role in Season five is very vague, but she is
going to be very important to season arc. Also, this little sister is going to be a type
of Anakin-star wars type character. She will walk the borderline b/t good and evil.
Expect to see a totally different side to Riley.
Look for Buffy to have an intresting fantasy. Very intresting
Giles has an interesting and very exciting fantasy of his own (hard core fans may
recognize familiar faces here).
This episode will feature Riley IN
This episode features an amazing guest
cast: Seth Green is back for a brief cameo as Oz (in Willow's dream), Armin Shimmerman
returns as Principal Synder, Lindsay Crouse as Dr. Maggie Walsh, and Jack Stehlin as Dr.
Angleman. David Boreanaz is also expected to appear in this episode briefly as Angel,
possibly in Buffy's dream.

General Spoilers
Faith (Eliza Dunsku) will make an appearance in "Five by Five" and
"Sanctuary". Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) and Elizabeth Rohm (Kate) will both
appear in "Sanctuary" as well.
Jhiera (Bai Ling) will be a reoccuring character. Ling just signed on as a reoccuring
guest-star. Jhiera will be a potential love interest for Angel.
Lilly/Chanterelle (Julia Lee) may appear in an episode of Angel soon. Joss revealed that
he is trying to find a story for her to return in.
According to writer David
Fury, we will meet two new characters Gunn, an amateur viglante vampire slayer, and an
eccentric billinonaire named David Nabbit, who'll involve himself with Angel.
Airs May 2, 2000
Written by Tim Minear
V Buffy
(Sarah Michelle Gellar) returns to LA, after she hears word that Angel is harboring Faith
and argues with him how to rehabilate the rogue Slayer.
Angel is finally getting through to
Faith, but Buffy's arrival in LA, may ruin his efforts.
The is supposed to be this great scene
where Faith mentions to Buffy having sex with ALL of her men: Xander (it freaks out Cordy
as well), Riley, and ANGEL!! Buffy is shocked and asks Angel if it is true, but he doesn't
say anything to deny it. Buffy leaves and Angel throws Faith out
It turns out that the Watcher's Council
hasn't given up, the infamous black ops team is back in this episode.
War Zone
Airs May 9, 2000
A biker gang comprised of vampire hunters (think "John Carpenter's Vampires")
comes to L.A. in the midst of a war with a group of vampires.
Although Xander will not be crossing over, there MIGHT be a reference to him in this
Angel encounters a group of street kids,
led by a man named Gunn (J. August Richards), who are waging a war against vampires in the
abandoned sections of the city. He tries to gain their trust, but the gang is wary about
trusting a vampire, even one with a soul.
Blind Date
Airs on May 16, 2000
It's a thin line between life and death when a Wolfram & Hart attorney gives Angel
some confidential documents and is caught by one of the senior partners, while a blind
woman who can match Angel "punch for punch" starts to kill people.
To Shanshu in LA
Airs on May 23, 2000
When Angel steals the prophecy of Aberjian from Wolfram & Hart, evil bad guy Vocah
tries to get it back at all costs, and might even kill off the Oracles to do it.
Evil bad guy Vocah tries to get back the talisman that Angel now has in possesion as of
Episode 21 "Blind Date". He tries to dismantle Angel's world, by taking away
everything he cares about. First, he brutally murders the Oracles, curses Cordy to have a
never-ending vision, and also somehow hurts Wesley.
There is supposed to be a HUGE swordfight
ala Phatom Menance between Angel and Vocah
Angel's Building sustains major damage,
and might possibly blow up
The bad guys put a bomb in Angel's
apartment/office building and Wesley gets hurt while trying to escape
The first fan award called the
"Angel Automatic 2000" will be featured in this episode next to the coffee
machine. The "Angel Automatic 2000" is a project where fans from around the
world sign cards and labels and wrap them around the grinder to show how much the fans
love Angel!