Who Are You?
Air date 2/29/00
Written by Joss Whedon
Directed by Joss Whedon
As a premise: For those of you who didnt see last weeks episode entitled
This Years Girl in the final scene Faith uses a gadget the Mayor left
to switch bodies with Buffy. In this coming episode when we see Faith, its
really Buffy and when we see Buffy its really Faith.
*As the cops are putting Faith on a stretcher Joyce and Buffy
watching on. A cop tells them that after she goes to the hospital she will
be going to jail, they say she is very dangerous. Buffy agrees. When
passing them, Faith looks up from the stretcher and sees Buffy
Joyces hand.
*Buffy and Joyce are talking about Faith inside. Buffy
is a little
overzealous about Faith making friends in jail. Joyce stops her;
doesnt understand her attitude. Buffy explains that its just from
fighting, shes all worked up. Joyce tells her she misses her. Buffy
says shes been busy with school and all. Buffy goes to take a bath with
some stategicallly placed bubbles.
*After the bath Buffy is standing in front of the mirror, checking out her
new face. Shes practicing being Buffy.
*Faith is on a hospital bed being restrained. The nurse is trying to
administer a sedative while Faith is telling them they have to let her go.
She says, Shes with my mom. She stole my body.
*In Taras room, Willow is saying she wishes Faith would just make her move.
Shes worried about everyone. Willow says she thinks Buffy can handle
her. Tara says Willow should be safe there with her because no one knows
where she is, no one even knows about her even though she knows about them.
Willow tries to reassure her. She tells Tara that Buffy is her best friend
and they have a whole group thing going on that revolves around the
slaying. She says she wants her to meet her friends, but she also wants
something that is just hers. Tara says she understands. As Willow is
leaving to check in with Giles Tara stops her by saying, I am, you know.
Willow asks What. Tara says Yours. Willow gives her a genuine
smile in
*Buffy is getting dressed in her room. She finds credit cards and calls
for a flight out of Sunnydale. Joyce comes in and asks her what she is
doing. She says shes just checking her mail. Joyce says Giles was on the
other line and that he wants her to come over, for an update. Buffy says
shell go, she has some time to kill. As shes leaving she asks if she can
borrow some lipstick, Joyce says its the same one Faith picked. Buffy
tosses it at her and says, Burn it.
*In the police car Faith is waking up. She realizes where she is. An
armored truck pulls out in front of the police car. The police car slams
into it. Two guys get out and take Faith from the car. They say By the
order of the Watchers Council you are being taken into custody. They
drive off with her.
*Buffy goes to Giles. When she comes in she says hi to the Scooby Gang.
Anya is there and she doesnt seem to recognize her, but plays along with
it. Giles tells them all that the Watchers Council has sent a team to pick
up Faith. Buffy reminds them about when Wesley went to pick up Faith.
Giles tells her this team is sent out on harder recon jobs. Buffy asks if
they will take her to England. Giles says yes. Buffy starts laughingly
uncontrollable. Finally she stops after they are all looking at her. She
says shes just happy. Willow says she is to. She says she hopes the
Watchers Council throws the book at her. Buffy says she forgot how much
Willow hates Faith. Willow says its because of all the things Faith did to
Buffy. She says shed like an hour alone with her in a room, if she were
larger and had hand grenades of course. Buffy says, I bet I know what
Faith would say to that. Then Buffy steps forward and slams a huge knife
into Willows stomach. Immediately it goes back to Buffy, she was
*Anya says that its great that everything is handled, but is wondering why
it couldnt be conveyed by phone. Willow asks Buffy whats wrong.
Buffy says she would never let Faith hurt her. She smiles at Willow.
*Giles tells Anya and Xander they can go if they want. Xander says they
have other plans. Anya says they are going to light a bunch of candles and
have sex by them. Buffy says, Wouldnt want to cut into that 7
would we? Anya and Xander both say Hey!
*Buffy tells them all to go have fun. Giles stops her by reminding her
they still have ADAM to deal with. Buffy looks puzzled, then covers. She
tells everyone to go have fun she will patrol all night if thats what it
*In the very next scene Buffy is doing the bump and grind on a dance floor
at the Bronze with several guys and girls. In leaving the dance floor she
accidentally bumps into Spike. She obviously doesnt know Spike. He says
she doesnt have to worry about him, he cant hurt anyone. She says,
Youre a vampire. He thinks shes making fun of him. He tells her to
Sod off. She starts to walk away and he says Oh fine, throw it in my
face, Spikes not a threat anymore. With that Buffy turns around
realizing he is William the Bloody. She is taunting him. He says, You
know why I never liked you, Summers? She says, Because Im a stuck up
tight ass with no sense of fun? He says that about covers it. She tells
him she could do anything she wants, be rich and famous. She says she could
have anyone she wants, even him. She says I could ride you at a gallop
until your knees buckled and your eyes rolled up. Ive got muscles youve
never even dreamed of. I could squeeze you til you popped like warm
champagne and youd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more. And you know
why I dont? Because its wrong. Then she laughs and walks away. He says
when he gets the chip out they are going to have a confrontation.
*In an underground place some vampires are talking. They run into ADAM. He
wants to know what they fear. He says they hide from the cross, sun, and
fire. He says he believes decapitation is a problem as well as he is calmly
ripping the head off of a vampire. He says vampires are a paradox, demon in
a human body. They walk in both worlds and belong to neither. He tells
them they need to talk.
*Faith wakes up in the back of the armored truck. Mr. Weatherby from the
council starts to question her. Faith tries to explain to him that she is
Buffy Summers, that Faith used some kind of magic to switch their bodies.
They tell her that they have heard it all before. She asks them to get
Giles. They tell her she is just a package they are delivering. One of
them tells her that the Council used to mean something and she perverted it,
shes just trash. He spits in her face and leaves the truck.
*Willow and Tara go to the Bronze. Willow is telling Tara about how they
all used to come here when she spots Buffy. Buffy is with some
chugging beer. Willow takes Taras hand and leads her over to meet Buffy.
Willow introduces them. Buffy is pleased that theyve never met, since
she didnt know Taras name. Willow goes to get them a drink. Buffy
starts to question Tara. Tara says they hang out a lot, Willow is cool.
Buffy says So, Willows not driving stick anymore, who
wouldve thought.
She says I guess you never know someone til youre inside their skin.
Buffy brings up Oz, him being out of the picture. She says Willow
couldnt get enough of him. Tara starts to talk, but starts stuttering.
Buffy makes fun of her. Willow returns and says there is a guy over
there, a vampire. Buffy sits there for a minute and then realizes she
should go slay him. She goes after him and grabs a pool stick. She slays
him out back. She tells the girl she will live. The girl tries to thank
her; Buffy seems touched by this.
*When Buffy comes back Willow tells her Tara isnt feeling well,
going to walk her home. Buffy tells her You give her whatever she
needs. Willow asks if she is coming home later or going to Rileys. At
the mention of Riley, Buffy just smiles.
*In a warehouse where they are holding Faith one of the guys goes into the
truck to sedate her. She grabs him and threatens the others to let her go
or shell kill him. One of them tells her that before they start a job they
always put their affairs in order just in case something happens. They walk
away and leave him. As the other two walk away they wonder if shes more
trouble than shes worth. They wonder if the Council can even them passage,
they decide its time for the contingency plan. Faith throws the guy out
of the truck.
*Buffy shows up at Rileys. She says Hi, baby.
*Back at Taras Willow tells her she will really like Buffy after she
spends time with her. Tara says she doesnt think Buffy is
Buffy. She
says a person has an energy and hers was fragmented, like something forced
where it doesnt belong. Tara asks if she has something of Buffys. She
suggests a sort of astral projection to find Buffy. She tells Willow that
she will have to be her anchor here while Willow goes looking. Willow says
she trusts her.
*At Rileys, Buffy asks if he missed her. He says he did and asks if
everything is ok. She tells him Faith is on her way to England.
sits on him and starts grinding, she tells him he wouldnt have liked Faith
she has a tendency to give into her animal instincts. He tells her the door
is open, she doesnt care. He gets up and closes it. She is being all
seductive on the bed. She asks him how he wants her, what does he want to
do with this body. She asks What nasty little desire have you been itching
to scratch? Am I a bad girl, do you want to hurt me? He asks what they
are playing at. She says shes Buffy, he says hell be Riley. She starts
to get mad and leave the bed but he pulls her back and gently kisses her.
*At Taras Willow and Tara start the spell. They are sitting in a circle
and breathing heavy. A circle of light appears around them and floats up.
They join hands. Willow falls back in a laying down position.
*Buffy and Riley are making love, when Riley says, I love you.
starts to freak and tells him to get off of her. She struggles and finally
sits up. Riley wants to know what is wrong. Buffy says Who are you?
What do you want from her? This is meaningless. Riley comes to her and
holds her. He wants to know what happened. She says nothing.
*ADAM is telling the vampires that he has been given a gift, he knows why he
is here. He has been created to kill, to distinguish life wherever he finds
it. The vampires want to know what to do. He tells them they are there to
tell people about him. He wants to know what is it, more than man that they
*The next morning Buffy gets dressed and goes downstairs. She runs into
Forrest. He wants to know if she left Riley in one piece. He calls her a
killer, she gets mad. She says shes not a killer and he doesnt know the
first thing about her. Forrest asks if she really cares what he thinks.
She shakes it off and says no, she doesnt care.
*In the warehouse the one of the guys from the Council says theyve just
found out the Council cant get them passage to England, theyve ordered the
kill. They are supposed to torch the place with gas. The guy that Faith
didnt kill, but let go, starts to argue with them. He says she couldve
killed him and didnt. When they open the door of the truck she grabs a gun
and shoots her locks off. She starts the truck and drives out of the
*Buffy is at the airport. Checking in at the ticket counter.
*Faith goes to Giles. She starts explaining that she is Buffy. He
doesnt believe her. He wants to tie her up until they know what is going
on. She starts telling him all kinds of things Faith wouldnt know. At
that time Willow and Tara come in. They know its Buffy, they contacted the
nether realm and found out Faith switched with Buffy. Willow and Tara
concocted a Katra, which can be used to switch them back but they have to
find Faith. Xander calls and tells them to turn on the TV. There is a
report on TV about some horribly disfigured men holed up in a church with
hostages. They have already released one with severe neck injuries. As
they are watching this
*Buffy is in the airport watching the same news special.
*In the church the vampires are amazed that they have been hiding from
church all this time, when there is nothing to be afraid of. They decide to
start killing off the parishioners until the Lord arrives.
*Riley is outside and tells police to back off. Buffy shows up. She
tells Riley she is going in to save the people. He wants her to wait, but
she refuses. She says she is Buffy, she has to do this. She has tears in
her eyes. Riley says hes going with her. She jabs him lightly in the
stomach and he flinches. She says she cant use him. She tells him to help
people that come out, unless they have fangs. She goes inside.
*One of the vampires tells her that he will start killing people because she
came in. She says he is not going to kill them. He asks why. She says
because its wrong, and you can tell she means it this time.
*She starts fighting with the vampires. They realize she is the slayer.
*Willow, Tara, Giles and Faith show up. The police try to keep them out.
Giles distracts them.
*Inside Buffy takes on the vampires. The people start exiting. One of
the vampires runs out and Riley kills him. Faith runs up and hugs Riley.
She wants to know how many are inside. He wants to know who she is.
*Inside Buffy is fighting one of the vampires, he is very strong. He
tells her that she cant stop him because ADAM has shown him the way. Just
then he is staked. When he disappears Faith is standing there.
attacks her. They begin to fight in the church. During the fight Buffy
is beating up Faith saying Youre disgusting, you murderous bitch,
I hate
you. Faith grabs Buffys hand and a light passes through
them, throwing
them both backwards. They have switched back. Buffy sits on the floor
stunned and Faith runs away.
*Later at Rileys, Buffy is on the phone. She tells Riley that Faith is
gone, so is the council. He says he shouldve picked up on it. She
realizes he slept with Faith. He says he slept with her. She is visibly
hurt. She says she doesnt think Faith is coming back. Riley says she had
her fun. Buffy says Yea, fun.
*Faith is on a train in a boxcar. She looks sad and weary.